Ion Jinga, Romanian ambassador at UN, encourages women empowerment and gender equality
9 years agoon
Celebrating 70 years since the founding of the UN, Mr. Ion Jinga, Romania’s ambassador to the UN speaks about the progresses that have been made regarding gender equality, but also about the challenges that women face and about the need of the measures for their continue empowerment, in an editorial signed for Huffington Post.
“2015 proves to be iconic, a year of celebration and of a new beginning. On 24th October, the United Nations Organization celebrates 70 years of its existence. As Ambassador of Romania to the UN, I am proud to say that my country is also celebrating 60 years since it has joined the Organization. At the 70th anniversary of the UN, Heads of State and Government made a political commitment that will guide our actions for the next 15 years on the three dimensions of the sustainable development – economic, social and environmental: Agenda 2030, which brings a new vision on ending poverty and “leaving no one behind”. In fact, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development just cannot leave behind half of the world’s population. One of the 17 sustainable development goals – Goal no. 5 – is “Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”, declared Mr. Ion Jinga.
Romanian Ambassador also added: “In 2015 we celebrate 20 years since the adoption of a landmark document for the empowerment and rights of women and girls from all over the world: the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. On September 27th, in New York, China and UN Women co-hosted the high-level “Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment”, an event in conjunction with the UN Summit on the Agenda 2030 and as part of the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration. On that occasion, over 70 world leaders made concrete commitments and firm pledges to overcome gender equality gaps by 2030. One of them is the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis.”
Regarding his presence at the International Women of the Mountains Conference, hosted by the Utah Valley University, Mr Jinga said: “I was honored to be one of the speakers, as Romania has been a longstanding supporter of the Mountain Partnership (one-third of its surface is covered by mountains) and the Romanian Government made successful efforts in order to empower women. Our most recent General Action Plan on Gender Equality (2014-2017) specifically encourages the balanced participation of women and men in decision-making, by promoting affirmative measures to increase the number of women in leadership.”
“In Romania, the first female officer in the armed forces was the second lieutenant Ecaterina Teodoroiu, who died heroically in the WW1, and in WW2 one of the first women-pilot in the world, Smaranda Braescu, fought as a reconnaissance pilot. Women in military uniform as a full-time profession began to appear in my country in 1973. We have now women with the rank of general and there is an increased number of military female staff participating in international missions. Romanian Female Engagement Teams were assigned to engage Afghan women and girls in the Zabul Province, in order to empower them into their own societies. The commander of the South Region within the UN Mission in Haiti is Romanian chief superintendent Raluca Domuța. She was awarded the International Female Police Peacekeeper for 2015. This is is an excellent example of the added value of gender component in the UN peacekeeping and special political missions.”, Mr Ion Jinga added for the same editorial.
To conclude, the permanent representant at the UN, Mr. Jinga, said: “Gender equality is a necessity of contemporary societies and the progress made on women’s rights, over the past two decades, is remarkable. Women now occupy leadership positions in education, sciences, and public life. They excel in many domains thanks to their skills and abilities. We cherish all their achievements which have tremendously transformed for the better the world we live in. But there is still work to do. In the 21st Century, no one should be excluded, regardless of the gender. Women empowerment is a new religion. It is not only the natural think to do, it is the smart thing to do.”
News edited by Violeta Dan, Intern at CaleaEuropeana.ro
Robert Lupițu este redactor-șef, specialist în relații internaționale, jurnalist în afaceri europene și NATO. Robert este laureat al concursului ”Reporter și Blogger European” la categoria Editorial și co-autor al volumelor ”România transatlantică” și ”100 de pași pentru o cetățenie europeană activă”. Face parte din Global Shapers Community, o inițiativă World Economic Forum, și este Young Strategic Leader în cadrul inițiativelor The Aspen Institute. Din 2019, Robert este membru al programului #TT27 Leadership Academy organizat de European Political Strategy Center, think tank-ul Comisiei Europene.
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December 20, 2024Calea Europeană expresses solidarity with journalists attacked by representatives of extremist forces in the Romanian Parliament and calls on Romanian state institutions to safeguard press freedom, emphasizing their duty to uphold democratic values and the rule of law in a country that is a member of the European Union and NATO.
The acts of aggression against journalists, including colleagues from Antena 3 CNN and Euronews Romania, represent a direct attack on press freedom, one of the fundamental pillars of democracy. In the context of Romania’s EU and NATO membership, such incidents not only undermine democratic values but also harm the country’s international reputation.
Press freedom is a right enshrined in Romania’s Constitution and an essential principle of the rule of law that must be prioritized for protection. Extremist actions occurring in a space dedicated to democracy, such as Parliament, raise serious concerns about tolerance for radical discourse and the dangers it poses to society. In this regard, Calea Europeană urges Romanian state institutions to implement strict measures to prevent similar incidents and to hold perpetrators accountable.
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Foreign Investors Council: NATO and EU memberships, accession to the Schengen Zone and to the OECD remain key elements for the foreign investors in Romania
1 month agoon
December 6, 2024By
Diana ZaimNATO and EU memberships, accession to the Schengen Zone and to the OECD remain key elements for the investors, according to the official press release.
According to the latest analysis of the Foreign Investors Council on the taxes paid by FIC member companies and their employees in Romania in 2023, the investments of FIC companies amounted to 17 billion lei, representing 43% of the public capital expenditure according to the execution of the consolidated budget for 2023.
The contributions of the 110 FIC member companies to the general consolidated budget were estimated at 82 billion lei, which represents over 18% of the current revenues collected by the state last year. The total number of FIC member employees exceeds 190,000 people. Employees of the FIC companies analyzed earned an average net salary of 8,655 lei per month, with 89% more than the average net salary in the economy of 4,584 lei.
The attracted foreign investments have contributed significantly to the modernisation of the national economy and its integration into both the European economy and international export and production chains; they brought technology and know-how to the internal market, thus contributing also to the development of local companies and to productivity growth, as well as corporate governance, through which they promoted the importance of fairness, transparency and accountability in companies; they directly contributed to the economic growth registered by Romania through the investments made available and through the salaries paid directly to employees and indirectly through the supply chain.
The evolution of foreign investments stock as a percentage of GDP began at a near-non-existent value in 1990 and increased significantly in the coming decades. An essential element in attracting foreign investments is Romania’s accession to international structures. Both NATO membership and later EU membership were events that stimulated FDI growth in Central and Eastern European states.
The years of joining the international structures are by far the years that have brought a strong investment boost to Romania. The private sector (formed by foreign investors, entrepreneurs and households) is the main contributor to Romania’s development, the average ratio between investments in Romania and GDP being 23.7% over the last decade, above the EU average.
From an economic point of view, Romania is at a critical point with the highest levels of twin deficits in recent history, except in times of crisis. The economic situation of the country must be the priority of the authorities in the coming period. Balanced measures are needed to ensure a sustainable economic recovery that is reflected in the well-being of society. In the coming years there will be even more need for the private sector to continue to invest in order to maintain the growth rate of the Romanian economy from previous years, in particular as public sector investment will decrease due to the need to reduce the budget deficit.
Companies need a firm, long-term commitment from the authorities to ensure a stable and predictable climate in order to choose the investment destination, but also to continue the investments present in the country.
About FIC
The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) is the association that brings together the most important investors with foreign capital from Romania, approximately 110 of the largest companies in the country with a cumulative turnover representing approximately one-fifth of the gross domestic product and having a significant contribution to the state budget. In more than 25 years since the organization was set up, FIC member companies have always sustained the importance of dialogue between the business community and the authorities.
European project self-Learn offers two valuable digital tools for future initiatives in adult education
2 months agoon
November 30, 2024The National Institute for Scientific Research on Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS) as a partner in the self-Learn project, a project co-funded by the European Union, is preparing for its finalization. Working together with partners from European countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Slovakia, Finland and beyond, the project coordinator being from Turkey, they have developed a digital learning tool, available both on the website and on the smartphone.
Therefore, the project has produced a freely available Android and iOS app that will help interested users to improve their literacy, numeracy and digital skills in a very flexible way. The self-Learn app is designed and created with a multicultural partnership to ensure its transparency and authenticity with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+.
Self-Learn’s mobile accessibility is a game-changer for adult learners, especially those juggling work, family or other commitments that prevent them from attending traditional classes. By putting learning directly in their hands, Self-Learn tools allow adults to engage at their own pace and at their own convenience, removing many of the traditional barriers to education. Starting with a diagnostic test, learners can identify their current skill level and follow personalized learning pathways designed to meet their specific needs. This process not only addresses individual learners, but also allows educators to better understand their challenges and strengths, enabling more targeted teaching approaches.
In addition, Self-Learn incorporates family involvement, a feature that is often neglected in adult education. Self-Learn provides resources for family members to support the learner, fostering a more inclusive learning environment that extends beyond the individual and promotes a culture of lifelong learning at home.
The project’s impact extends beyond individual adult learners. By equipping them with essential skills, it contributes to wider societal goals, including reducing unemployment, increasing social inclusion, and boosting economic productivity.
In addition, the Self-Learn project has the potential for scalability. Although it currently focuses on low-skilled adults, the platform’s flexible design means that it can be adapted for a wide range of educational contexts, including young adults, migrants and people re-entering the labour market. This flexibility makes it a valuable resource for future projects in adult education, enabling educators to guide learners on their journey towards acquiring essential skills, helping them to thrive in an evolving, technology-driven world.
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