Special correspondence from Brussels – Dan Cărbunaru, Robert Lupițu ”The European Council has gathered too much power and the leaders feel under pressure because of their...
Europarlamentarul Ramona Mănescu (PNL, PPE) a fost gazdă pentru aleși locali veniți din România la sediul Parlamentului European, cărora le-a prezentat activitatea instituțiilor europene și modalități...
Work remains to be done before Moldova can join the EU, but European accession would be mutually beneficial, argues Andi Cristea, chair of Parliament’s Delegation to...
The European Commission released today (13 May 2015) the new European Agenda for Migration, which is a strategic document for the next five years. The coordinator...
Maternity leave should be extended from 14 to 20 weeks, says MEP Edite Estrela (S&D, PT) in a report, debated by Womens' Rights Committee MEPs on...
Parliament voted to waive the parliamentary immunity of Tobias Pflüger, a German former MEP who was accused of insulting behaviour towards two police officers during a...
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