Barroso il vede pe Ponta premier dar si pe Basescu in continuare Presedinte



Presedintele Conisiei Europene il felicita pe Victor Ponta pentru succesul in alegeri si ii sugereaza, practic, presedintelui Basescu, sa il numeasca premier pe liderul USL, potrivit unei declaratii de presa transmisa catre In aceeasi declaratie, Barroso arata ca presedintele ar trebui sa isi continue mandatul si sa coabiteze cu USL.
Redam, mai jos, continutul declaratiei:

“Statement from President Barroso following the publication of the official results of the Romanian elections of 9th December 2012

President Barroso congratulates Victor Ponta for his electoral victory and that of the USL coalition. The Romanian people have made a clear choice in a democratic way.

President Barroso looks forward to working with Prime Minister Victor Ponta and President Basescu, during the coming challenging years, to promote the necessary reforms in Romania’s and Europe’s interest.

President Barroso welcomes the commitment by all Romania’s political actors to consolidating the rule of law and respecting democratic checks and balances”.


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