The European People’s Party Congress ahead of the 2024 European Parliament election will be hosted by the National Liberal Party (PNL) in Bucharest, PNL leader Nicolae...
The 9th edition of EuroPCom takes place on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 November 2018. With the 2019 European Parliament elections ahead and distrust in the EU still dominating national...
“Romania will play a crucial role in the electoral campaign because Romania has the presidency (n.r. EU Presidency) in the first half of 2019. This is...
Duminică, 25 mai, în România au loc alegerile europarlamentare. Google sărbătoreşte evenimentul printr-un Doodle în care a doua literă ”g” din numele motorului de căutare e înlocuită...
Hannes Swoboda, president of the Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)in the European Parliament, explained the importance of the European elections, in an exclusive...
People with disabilities are active citizens keen to participate in political life given the right opportunities. However, legal, administrative and accessibility barriers can still prevent them...
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