Germany will remain a pillar of stability in Europe, despite the advance of the far-right on the political scene of the most powerful economy in the...
Article signed by Carolina Bogatiuc, European Affairs expert at the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) in Moldova. Carolina Bogatiuc is the former Chief of Cabinet of...
Automecanica Mediaș launches in Brussels the first electric bus produced in Romania, the prototype will be exhibited at Busworld Europe, the largest international exhibition in the...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Friday said that there are political leaders who suggest Romania should leave the European Union, forgetting the benefits that the EU...
The cut-off of gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria should be the start of the EU finding solutions to disconnect Europe from the Russian Federation, said...
EU Cohesion Policy Funds have been used to improve the energy performance of buildings and will continue to be used in this sector, said Elisa Ferreira,...
Interview conducted by Dan Cărbunaru and Robert Lupițu As everywhere in the world conflicts and tensions multiply, the main achievement of France and Germany is still...
Peste 80.000 de domenii de internet alocate unor utilizatori din Regatul Unit au fost suspendate de registrul UE (EURid) după încheierea perioadei de tranziţie aferente Brexit-ului,...
Great Britain, the historical partner of the EU, leaves our table but remains a friend of the European Union, said MEP Vasile Blaga in a statement...
Op-ed co-signed by London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, and CoR President, Apostolos Tzitizkostas, governor of Central Macedonia Local and regional governments in the UK and the EU...
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